Debuting on Broadway for the first time just this past month, many people wondered how Cirque Du Soleil would bring their renowned performance to the musical theatre stage. Let me tell you, they definitely pulled it off! Cirque Du Soleil Paramour is a treat for young and old, film lovers, theatre lovers and circus lovers!

The show opens with an ominous speech by A.J., played by Jeremy Kushnier, as he accepts an Oscar for directing his latest film. Mid-speech, he decided it’s best if he just takes us through how he got there. It all began with a woman… Enter the leading lady, Indigo, played by talented Ruby Lewis who is making her Broadway debut. You then are transported to the Golden Age of Hollywood where you are shifted from reality and make-believe.
The show goes on to tell the story of A.J. meeting Indigo and convincing her to star in his upcoming film. When Indigo sings her song, Something More, you realize it was fate for her to star on the big screen! This is where we also meet Joey, who is endearing from the moment you set eyes on him, thanks to the wonderful performance by Ryan Vona! And thus, the love triangle is formed.
These actors bring all of the wit and humor and emotion that is expected of a Broadway musical, but what isn’t typically expected are the jaw-dropping acts that surround the audience.

You will witness awe-inspiring tricks that will leave you clinging to your seat like the twins performing the trick in the photo above! That scene was truly amazing! Then there are gymnasts that jump so high, you witness several seconds of flips as they plummet back towards the stage! What was unique was that they incorporated movie genres from the Wild West to Ancient Egypt into the show which they pulled off flawlessly!
The acts not only support the story unfolding before you on stage, but also enhance it, engaging the audience in a way that hasn’t been seen on the Broadway stage before.

Overall, the show is fantastic for those visiting NYC for the first time! My friend summed it up in the most perfect way as soon as the performance was finished when she said, “I feel like I just saw a musical, concert, dance recital, circus and movie – all in one show.”
Make sure to see the spectacular Cirque du Soleil Paramour when you’re in NYC!
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